
Call for Papers

Call for Papers

Deadline for submissions | Friday 25 June 2021

The EIANZ is happy to announce that the Call for Papers and Session Proposals for the EIANZ 2021 Annual Conference is now open. The call for session proposals is new this year. A session could be a workshop, panel discussion or other approach. Innovative ideas are encouraged.

Abstracts and session proposals are invited on the following conference sub-themes:

  • Contribution of science to policy, planning and decision-making: Where has it been effective and why? Where has it not been effective and why? How do we turn science into policy?
  • Quality of science: How do we ensure that we produce good quality science? How do we define good quality?
  • Relevance of science: Is scientific research focusing on the most important issues? How do we prioritise in an age of limited budgets while still encouraging innovative science?
  • Translating science and expertise into action: How does good science have an impact and create value? How can we use science in environmental management? How effective is science in supporting compliance?
  • Communicating science: As a profession, do we do enough to communicate good science? Do we do enough within our own profession? How can we better influence / inform mainstream scientific communicators? How do we improve media coverage of science?
  • Contribution of Indigenous knowledge to science: How can we create better synergies between scientific evidence and Indigenous knowledge? What are the challenges in using and communicating Indigenous knowledge and how do we overcome them?
  • Limitations of science: How do we balance science against community concerns and perceptions? How do we deal with uncertainty and natural variability, (e.g. climate change)? What limitations does science have?

Abstracts must be less than 300 words and include a biography for the presenter of up to 200 words. Session abstracts must include a session title, objective of session (up to 100 words), proposed session format (e.g. workshop, panel discussion), session outline (300 words).


Session proposals must include a session title, objective of session (up to 100 words), proposed session format (e.g. workshop, panel discussion), session outline (300 words) and a biography of the session chair (200 words).


Important note:

This is a face-to-face event in Melbourne and the aim is that people deliver their presentations in person, however, given the dynamic COVID-19 situation we are asking that presenters also pre-record their sessions. That way if border closures and local lockdowns are in place we can deliver sessions online. Presenters must register for the Conference at their own expense and meet their own travel and accommodation costs unless otherwise agreed in writing.