
ANET Community of Practice

ANET Community of Practice

The Australasian Network for Ecology and Transportation (ANET) was established in 2009 and became a Community of Practice within the Ecology Special Interest Section (SIS) of EIANZ in November 2023.

The ANET Community of Practice (ANET CoP) is dedicated to promoting the environmentally sensitive design and implementation of linear infrastructure (roads, rail, and utility easements). This infrastructure can have a devastating effect on wildlife and the natural environment, yet information on ways of limiting its impact is not always readily available.

ANET aims to improve the flow of high-quality information in the emerging field of transport ecology among stakeholders including planners, engineers, regulators, researchers, and community groups.


Establish a group of highly qualified transport and ecology professionals to promote best practice in the environmentally sensitive design and implementation of linear infrastructure.


Membership is open to anyone with a professional interest in transport ecology.

Although not required in order to be part of the ANET CoP, joining EIANZ has a number of benefits.
Find out more here

ANET members interested in becoming a member of EIANZ can take advantage of the Institute’s welcome offer until 31 December 2023. To find out more, email office@eianz.org

If you would like to join the ANET CoP only, click here

For existing EIANZ members wishing to join the ANET CoP, click here →

Find out more

To find out more about this Community of Practice, please contact Rodney van der Reeor Kelly Matthews (Ecology SIS Chair).

More information about ANET will be available in the next few months.