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The EIANZ Board has established a series of Committees to inform its decision making on specific areas and reflect and support the purpose and priorities of the Institute. Committees also provide ways for the membership to be part of Institute decision making and direction.
The Board Committees are:
Meeting and reporting
Each Committee meets and reports on its activities quarterly, or on a needs basis. Meetings will be held via teleconference, unless otherwise decided by the Committee. Teleconference codes will be provided to all Committee members.
The Chair of each Committee will make arrangements from within the members of the Board Committee to keep and produce a record of meetings.
Committees are required to provide a quarterly report on activities. The Chair of each Committee will ensure that Committee quarterly reports are provided to the Board.
The Board will formally review the operations of these Committees every two years and resolve to continue or amend their terms of reference, membership, or operations.
Central Office will provide support to Board Committees.
We acknowledge and value the rights and interests of Indigenous Peoples in the protection and management of environmental values through their involvement in decisions and processes, and the application of traditional Indigenous knowledge.