Far North Queensland

Far North Queensland

Meet our committee

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Far North Queensland

The main areas of focus for the Far North Queensland Division (FNQ) are:

  • Port expansion along the Queensland coast
  • Clearing of native vegetation
  • Amendments to environmental legislation
  • Environmental sustainability
  • Declining water quality
  • Dissemination of information and capacity building
  • Climate change.

The FNQ Division offers seminars, conferences and workshops involving scientists, policy makers and practitioners. Several social events are held each year which provide a great opportunity for networking.

Queensland is the only Australian state that is home to two EIANZ divisions. Members who reside or work within postcodes 4701 and above are represented by the FNQ Division. While those in postcodes 4700 and below generally belong to the South East Queensland. 

Get involved and make a difference

The Committee meets monthly to ensure that a range of events and seminars are offered to members and prospective members. If you have a suggestion for an event, speaker or training opportunity that may be of interest to environmental practitioners in Far North Queensland, please contact fnq@eianz.org.

Alternatively, if you are interested in becoming involved as a committee member, please send your resume along with a cover letter to fnq@eianz.org.


Contact Us

  • President
    Nicholas Baker, MEIANZ CEnvP

Email FNQ