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Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEAs), which assess the environmental impacts likely to be associated with implementing a Plan, Policy or Program (PPP), are a powerful tool, particularly when applied up-front as the PPP is being formulated.
This presentation will explore the basics of SEA, using several examples from Australia. One, the 2014 comprehensive strategic assessment of the Great Barrier Reef, was endorsed under national environmental law. But its real strength was as an analysis tool to identify the environmental values and processes of the Reef and establish their desired condition and trend. This information has been used as the foundation for the multi-jurisdictional Reef 2050 Plan and a range of policies and guidelines on cumulative impact management, net benefits, offsetting and significant impact.
The second, will outline the approach taken in Tasmania to move from dryland grazing to irrigated agriculture in the Midlands. Here the primary issue was applying existing farm management planning processes to protect a critically endangered grassland community.
In the third, the outcomes of BHP’s strategic assessment to understand and conserve high value ecological assets and listed species in the Pilbara will be explored. This PPP demonstrates how specified outcomes for nominated species and assets will be achieved and adaptively managed at a landscape scale over the next 100 years of iron ore mining.
These cases apply the fundamentals of SEA by targeting key values and, through the strategic application of the impact mitigation hierarchy, identifying opportunities to focus development and employ strategic decision making to provide environmental and community outcomes.
As Principal of Cameron Strategies, Carolyn Cameron provides strategic advice and policy development on challenging environmental management and governance issues. Previously, Carolyn held senior management positions with the Australian and Victorian government departments of environment and primary industries. Nationally she headed up the Great Barrier Reef Taskforce, developed the Regional Sustainability Planning Program and worked with state governments to achieve endorsement of 10 strategic environmental assessments under national environmental law.
We acknowledge and value the rights and interests of Indigenous Peoples in the protection and management of environmental values through their involvement in decisions and processes, and the application of traditional Indigenous knowledge.