
Chris Ferkins MEIANZ & Stephen Gee

Chris Ferkins MEIANZ & Stephen Gee

Abstract | Teaming up with communities-of-place: The solution to ecological achievement

Across Auckland 31 neighbourhoods in 13 communities are currently making use of Gecko’s methodology, tools and support structures to effect real environmental change across their local landscapes - public spaces, their own backyards and that of their neighbours. This conservatively equates to 1200 households directly engaged, and indirectly possibly 8000 – with an aim of 2000 households per community.

The point-of-difference when working with communities-of-place is the range of values and perspectives held. This is something we must master if Pestfree NZ or any landscape based ecological project is to succeed.

Collaboration is the key ingredient in the success of the not-for-profit GeckoNZTrust. Neighbourhoods are learning the true potential as they enrich their environments and build their communities.

This presentation will case study one such community and what has been achieved. We will highlight four cornerstones of collaboration that Gecko lives by and discuss how, in practical terms, our learnings from seven years with a range of communities can help those attending the session.

Welcome to the exemplar that is the South Titirangi Neighbourhood Network.

This group of passionate residents spent several years working in their local area aiming to improve the ecology of their space. When Gecko was asked for assistance they had 6 households engaged.

Now some 18 months later, the group of six has expanded to over 400 active households and the network is aiming for a reach of 900 households within twelve months.

The initial vision of sorting out their street has expanded to a shared challenging but achievable vison of “improving the wellbeing of people and nature in South Titirangi”. This includes an aim to become a pest free peninsular.

We will discuss the knowledge sharing structures being built, and the roles for other parties including business, council departments and research organisations.

Bio | Chris Ferkins MEIANZ & Stephen Gee

Chris Ferkins MEIANZ

Chris is co-founder of Gecko NZ Trust and an innovator and champion of ecological restoration and community-led engagement. Chris has bridged these two realms of ecological and social science for most of his life: from being a volunteer on the Black Robin project in the Chatham Islands in his youth, managing youth programmes based around conservation, leading the volunteer effort that eradicated mice from Mana Island (at the time the largest island in the world from which mice had been eradicated), to fronting the restoration and engagement work of Waitakere ecocity’s Green Network initiative. Chris now works as an advisor in the Biodiversity team at Auckland Council, while volunteering time to Gecko.

Chris is a systems thinker and sees no divide between nature and society, just linkages, all part of one system. Part of Chris’ contribution has been to develop tools and programmes that empower communities and scientists to engage, together, to more effectively address today’s challenges.

Stephen Gee

The current Chair of Gecko NZ and also the chair of the North West Wildlink Partnership which is collaborative group aimed at improving Auckland ecology through a wildlife corridor from the gulf islands to the west coast.

Stephen works as an independent chair on sector advisory groups to government and also provides advisory support services to a wide range of businesses, agencies and not for profits.

Stephen is active in New Zealand's wonderful outdoors and volunteers his time to Gecko because he believes in their approach of community led local ecological change.