
James Skurupey MEIANZ CEnvP

James Skurupey MEIANZ CEnvP

Abstract | Knowledge sharing innovations: Breaking down commercial sensitivities and fostering environmental awareness and compliance

The September 4th 2010 and February 22nd 2010 Earthquakes in Christchurch, New Zealand set a new standard of Environmental Management on the South Island. With the gazetting of the Canterbury Earthquake (Resource Management Act) Order 2011 and the creation of the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority, as well as the Stronger Christchurch Infrastructure Team (SCIRT) to manage the rebuild, the Environmental Leadership Group (ELG) was formed to drive change in environmental behaviour in civil construction. This paper outlines the development and success of the ELG. The SCIRT Alliance, consisting of 5 delivery teams (i.e., Fulton Hogan, McConnell Dowel, Downer, Fletcher Contracting and City Care) each provided an Environmental Advisor to the ELG and a Coordinator from the SCIRT Integrated Service Team. The ELG’s objective was to use collaboration and adaptive management to change environmental behaviour. This was accomplished by focusing on key risks which included significant trees, archaeology and heritage, hydrocarbon spills, wastewater overflows and sediment discharges. Environmental Management tools developed as the process included audits, core training, and environmental advice from the bottom up as well as the top down. The process has influenced environmental behaviour that is still seen on construction sites today. The ELG continues to meet after the disbanding of CIRA and SCIRT to insure lessons learned are remembered throughout the construction industry. Much of the framework developed by SCIRT has continued in the North Canterbury Transportation Infrastructure Recovery (NCTIR) Project Alliance, which is rebuilding north Canterbury’s transportation network after the November 14th 2016 Earthquake.

Bio | James Skurupey MEIANZ CEnvP

James Skurupey has worked in the Environmental Industry for 10 years after leaving the US Army. He has worked as Consent Officer and Resource Management Officer for Environment Canterbury and as an Environmental Advisor in New Zealand’s civil construction for the past 3 years. Key projects include advising on SCIRT, development of the Sumner Road Rebuild Project in Christchurch and currently advising on the North Canterbury Transportation Infrastructure Recovery (NCTIR) project.