
SA | EIANZ SA Divison 2024 AGM

Please join the committee, other members and guests at the SA Division’s AGM, with a special presentation by Erinn Carter and Piers Gillespie on social impact assessment, enhancing social value, and the South Australian context.

Social Impact Assessment (SIA) requires a multifaceted approach that is participatory in nature, and builds strong foundations for social performance for the life of a project. It provides tremendous value in understanding the social environment of a project, mitigating project risks, and creating better outcomes for communities.

The South Australian government requires that projects maintain high sustainable development standards within technical, safety, social and environmental expectations and has broad community acceptance. The rapidly growing number of major projects commencing in the State, and the mid-north in particular, means that SIA is more important than ever.

A case study will be presented describing the steps in undertaking a high-quality, collaborative SIA; seamlessly integrated with environmental impact assessment, and the long-term beneficial outcomes of good social performance.

Meet the speakers:

Erinn Carter | Associate Environmental Consultant at Lathwida Environmental

Erinn has experience in providing environmental services to a wide range of clients and projects across Australia and overseas. This includes oil and gas, mining, defence and infrastructure experience across a broad geographic, project scale and commodity spectrum.

Dr Piers Gillespie | Principal Social Consultant, Umwelt

Senior Advisor, Dispute Resolution Facility of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil, 2021 - 2023
Committee Member, Cooperative Research Centre for Transformation in Mining Economies, 2021
Senior Advisor, Social Impact Assessment, Certified Environmental Practitioner Scheme (CEnvP), 2021
Vetted expert and member of the Senior Advisor Panel, Food, Agriculture and Commodities, UNDP Crisis Bureau 2020-2023

AGM information

The term of office of all currently elected officers of the EIANZ SA Division will expire at the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting. Nominations are called for any of the general Committee positions for the period 2024 to 2025.

  • President
  • Vice-President
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary
  • General Committee Members

Only current financial members are eligible to nominate for these positions. All nominations must be endorsed by two EIANZ Full Members or Fellows. Nominations can be made by completing a nomination form and forwarding it to the returning officer, Sarah Parton at to arrive by no later 13 August 2024.

In the event of more than one nomination being received for any one position, a ballot will be held at the Annual General Meeting.

In the event that Full members or Fellow members are unable to attend the AGM they may appoint a proxy to vote on their behalf.

The proxy form should be completed and emailed to by 13 August 2024.

View the Agenda →
Download the Nomination form →
Download the Proxy form →
View the Draft Minutes from the 2023 AGM →

Event details

When: 14 August 2024
5:45 PM - 7:30 PM

Where: Belgian Beer Cafe
27-29 Ebenezer Place, Adelaide

Cost: Free

Contact: Central office on 03 8593 4140,

Register now and secure your attendance

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