
Honorary Fellow and Life Members

Honorary Fellow and Life Members

Honorary Life Members

Honorary Life membership is awarded to individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to the environment profession, as demonstrated through their service to the Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand. Honorary Life Membership is the highest form of distinction awarded by the Institute.

EIANZ currently has twelve Honorary Life Members.

Eric Anderson HLMEIANZ

Eric Anderson has been involved with the Institute from the beginning, having been accepted as a member in January 1987. He was the inaugural editor of the Australasian Journal of Environmental Management, editing the publication from 1994 - 2004.

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Diane Buchan HLMEIANZ CEnvP (Alumni)

Di has been an active member of the Institute for almost two decades and has over 30 years experience in social impact assessment. She has held roles on the Institute Council, on the Board as Vice-President (New Zealand), and is currently serving on the Institute’s Indigenous Engagement Working Group.
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Alan Chenoweth HLMEIANZ CEnvP

As a founding member of EIANZ, Alan has been a constant and dedicated supporter of the Institute. Alan has remained extraordinarily generous with his time, and is always willing to provide invaluable guidance and advice to the Institute and all its Members.

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Michael Chilcott HLMEIANZ CEnvP

Michael is a founding member of the EIANZ and has made an enormous contribution to the Institute over a period exceeding 30 years. Michael is currently a Commissioner in the NSW Land & Environment Court.

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Bill Haylock HLMEIANZ CEnvP

Bill Haylock played a pivotal role in bringing a business approach to the activities of the EIANZ SEQ Division, serving as Vice-President, President and Councillor from 1998 to 2004. At an Institute-level, Bill served President from 2005 until 2011 championing the development of a strategic focus on the future of the environment profession, supporting the establishment of the Certified Environmental Practitioner Scheme and establishing the EIANZ Merit Awards.

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Emeritus Professor Tor Hundloe AM HLMEIANZ

​Tor Hundloe is a founding member of EIANZ and was its first President. Tor was awarded Life Membership of EIANZ in 1991.

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Dr Bryan Jenkins HLMEIANZ

Bryan has provided exceptional service to the Institute over a period of more than 30 years. He is a founding member of EIANZ and has served as a Board member, Treasurer, and more recently as Board President.

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Professor Simon Molesworth AO KC HLMEIANZ CEnvP

Simon is recognised nationally and internationally as a leader in the field of environmental law. After initially practicing as a solicitor with Blake & Riggall (now Ashursts), Simon became a barrister in Victoria in 1984 and was appointed a Queen’s Counsel in 1995, specialising in environmental, planning, heritage, natural resource and climate change law.

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Mary Lou Morris AM HLMEIANZ

​Mary Lou Morris is a founding member of EIANZ, joining the Institute’s National Council in 1987 and serving continuously on Council until 1999. Mary Lou was the driving force behind the establishment of the Australian Journal of Environmental Management in July 1994.

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Nigel Murphy HLMEIANZ CEnvP

Nigel Murphy has a career spanning more than 25 years in the environmental sector. Nigel championed the development of EIANZ’s Certified Environmental Practitioner Scheme and was foundation Chair of the Scheme from 2004 to 2014.

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Dr Judith Roper-Lindsay HLMEIANZ CEnvP Alumni

Dr Judith Roper-Lindsay is an ecologist with over 40 years’ experience in ecological planning and management. She has made an immense contribution to EIANZ and to environmental practice in New Zealand more broadly.
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Emeritus Professor Helen Ross HLMEIANZ

Helen has been an EIANZ member since 1998. She has co-edited the Australasian Journal of Environmental Management since 2005 and is a member of the Institute’s Qualifications Accreditation Scheme Board and Indigenous Engagement Working Group.

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Jon Womersley HLMEIANZ CEnvP

Jon has had a long and distinguished career in environmental management and in the leadership of the EIANZ. Jon continues with zeal and vision to make a substantial contribution to the Institute and the profession more broadly.

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Honorary Fellow Members

Honorary Fellowships are awarded to those who have made an outstanding contribution to the environment profession.

EIANZ currently has nine Honorary Fellow Members.

Barry Carbon AM HFEIANZ

Barry Carbon has occupied with distinction a number of senior positions in the public and private sectors, through which he has led the development of environmental policy and practice. As a scientist and public official, Barry Carbon has been at the forefront of innovation in good practice environmental management in Australia and New Zealand.

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Lisa Corbyn is a highly respected senior environmental practitioner. She is held in high esteem by governments of all political persuasions, as well as public sector colleagues and has led professionals working in the environment sector in the NSW public service for many years.

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Professor Hugh Possingham HFEIANZ

Professor Hugh Possingham FAA is an Australian Research Council Laureate Fellow and director of two national research centres, including the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Environmental Decisions. He specialises in species conservation, operations research, and ecological systems, and his contributions to decision theory in conservation biology are widely recognised.

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The Honourable Justice Brian Preston HFEIANZ

Justice Preston is the Chief Judge of the Land and Environment Court in New South Wales. Prior to being appointed in November 2005, he was a senior counsel practising primarily in New South Wales in environmental, planning, administrative and property law.

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Honorary Professor Peter Skelton HFEIANZ

​Honorary Professor Peter Skelton has effectively had four separate careers: 15 years as a partner in a legal firm and then as a barrister sole, specialising in planning and environmental law; 22 years as a Judge of the Environment Court of New Zealand; six years teaching and examining environmental law at Lincoln University and finally, for the last 5 years, a NZ Government appointed Commissioner responsible for governance of the Canterbury Regional Council.

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Emeritus Professor ​Ian Spellerberg HFEIANZ

Professor Spellerberg is a proven thought-leader on matters of national and international significance relating to ecology, nature conservation, environmental education and environmental best practice. His contribution to the body of knowledge, leadership, and commitment to research and teaching is truly extraordinary.

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Dr ​Penelope Wensley AC HFEIANZ

Dr Wensley was born in Toowoomba and completed a Bachelor of Arts degree with First Class Honours at the University of Queensland in 1967. In 1968, she joined the Australian Foreign service and pursued a highly distinguished career as a diplomat, representing Australia in a wide range of overseas posts and senior policy positions until 2008, when she became Queensland's twenty-fifth Governor.

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Dr Morgan Williams HFEIANZ

Dr Williams was New Zealand’s Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment for 10 years, has held research and policy roles in agriculture, worked widely in the South Pacific, undertaken research in Antarctica and represented New Zealand’s research interests internationally. A driving force behind Morgan’s efforts for over 30 years has been his great interest in how people think about and relate to the natural world.

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Professor Stephen van Leeuwen HFEIANZ

Professor Stephen van Leeuwen is Australia's first Indigenous Chair of Biodiversity and Environmental Science at Curtin University, a renowned botanical ecologist, and respected Wadandi Noongar leader. With 40 years of applied research experience, he builds collaborative relationships with Traditional Owners, other land managers and biodiversity research providers to deliver enduring outcomes for nature conservation, Country and community.

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Photo of Ian Spellerberg by John Maillard, Waihora Gallery.