Day 1 | Abstracts are invited on the following symposium sub-themes:
- Can the proposed national standards deliver nature positive outcomes? If not, what other changes are needed
to the impact assessment regime?
- How will ‘nature positive’ be assessed as part a project assessment? How would we measure this? Is strategic
environmental assessment the only way to deliver this?
- How can human wellbeing and social dimensions be incorporated into nature positive impact assessment?
- Can the impact assessment process be made more efficient without compromising outcomes?
- How do we increase the integrity and trust in the Australian Government’s impact assessment system?
- While the focus is on the EPBC reforms, we also welcome abstracts that present state/territory perspectives on
‘nature positive’ impact assessment.
Day 2 | Will have three concurrent sessions. Abstracts are invited on the following topics:
Social impact assessment
- How does SIA practice differ across Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand, and has the development of SIA
guidance resulted in better practice on the ground?
- How effectively is SIA being applied in planning for the renewable energy transition? What are the key challenges
and opportunities?
- What are the prospects for community-led SIA and community based monitoring of social impacts?
- Participatory SIA – fact or fiction?
Strategic approaches
- Current state of play – who’s doing what and why?
- Evaluating the effectiveness and utility of both planning and assessment pathways.
Presenting impact assessments
Good practice methodologies, case studies and lessons learnt in presenting impact assessments, including:
- Case studies in using some or all of Dr Glenn Brown's organised reasoning tools in IA
- The use of digital tools in presenting IA
- Adaptative communication
- Any other tools or methods for more effectively and efficiently presenting IA reports.
Abstracts must be less than 300 words and include a biography for the presenter of up to 200 words.
The closing date for abstract submissions is Friday 5 May 2023. We aim to notify presenters by Friday 19 May 2023
whether their abstract has been accepted.
Important note:
This event will be held on Monday 26 June & Tuesday 27 June at The Hotel Realm, 18 National Circuit, Barton, ACT.
If you are an EIANZ member, please ensure you have logged into the website prior to submitting your abstract or session proposal.
Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).