Northern Territory

Northern Territory

Northern Territory Division members cover a cross-section of environmental professionals from consultancies, government and industry.

The division has four priorities:

  • making submissions on proposed legislation, policy or regulations on behalf of the environmental practitioners in the Northern Territory
  • providing relevant professional development and information sessions to members and the community
  • supporting the transition of students from higher education to jobs in the industry
  • fostering a network of environmental practitioners.

Anyone interested in contributing to the division is welcome to come along to our next committee meeting. Contact Jeff Richardson (NT Division President) or Jane Munday (Secretary) at the details below.

Meet our committee

  • Jeff Richardson MEIANZ

    Jeff Richardson MEIANZ

    Jeff Richardson MEIANZ President

    Jeff has over 30 years’ experience as an environmental professional and is the General Manager at EcOz Environmental Consultants based in Darwin.  Trained is ecologist with a BSc (Hons) from James Cook University, he has worked for the Commonwealth and Western Australian Governments and as a consultant in policy, land management and science roles. Jeff has been an EIANZ member since 2012 and his service to the Institute at the divisional level was recognised when he received the Mary-Lou Morris Award in 2020.

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  • Bradly Torgan MEIANZ

    Bradly Torgan MEIANZ

    Bradly Torgan MEIANZ Vice President

    Brad is Special Counsel at Ward Keller in Darwin, with a practice emphasising environmental impact assessment and environmental regulatory compliance in the pastoral and mining industries.  He served as General Counsel to the California Department of Parks and Recreation, including as counsel to the California Office of Historic Preservation. Brad's undergraduate degree is in Public Policy from Duke University. He has a Master of Regional Planning and a Juris Doctor from the University of North Carolina and a Master of Environmental Law from the University of Sydney. A member of EIANZ since 2018, Brad is also a member of the American Institute of Certified Planners.

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  • Jane Munday MEIANZ

    Jane Munday MEIANZ

    Jane Munday MEIANZ Secretary / Event Coordinator

    Dr Jane Munday was born and raised in Adelaide, worked in Melbourne as a journalist, then moved to the Territory in 1994, where she worked in senior government communication and marketing positions, including 4 years in the Department of the Chief Minister. In 2004, she set up a strategic communication consultancy (sold in 2015) and now works part-time as senior advisor to True North Strategic Communication.

    Over the past 20 years, Jane has worked on public and private impact assessments throughout the Territory as a community engagement and SIA consultant. Her PhD on social and cultural impact assessment included an audit of all impact assessment studies in the NT since 1974 and evaluation of what constitutes quality assessment. She has been a member of the EIANZ’s SIA community of practice and a SIA certification committee. She is a member of the International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA), on the IAIA Awards Committee, has served on two conference program committees, and is a mentor/trainer for the IAIA online SIA course. She has produced a Guide to Social Impact Assessment and is a regular presenter at IAIA and EIANZ conferences. Qualifications include a PhD, MBA, GAICD, BA (Psychology) and Certificates in SIA and Community Engagement/Public Participation. She is Deputy Chair of Territory Natural Resource Management (TNRM) and on the Attorney-General’s Community Benefit Fund.

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  • Louise Human MEIANZ

    Louise Human MEIANZ Treasurer
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  • Bill Low MEIANZ

    Bill Low MEIANZ

    Bill Low MEIANZ Southern Region Representative (Alice Springs)

    Bill Low has worked in environmental research and management since 1970 throughout the NT and adjacent states but specialising in Central Australia. In 1980, he founded Low Ecological Services, the longest running environmental survey business in the Northern Territory. His team of consultants has completed more than 700 major environmental monitoring projects for public and private companies, governments, NGOs and individuals. Bill has been involved with EIANZ since its inception, as well as several environmental, historical and heritage organisations in Alice Springs and the Territory, including The Rangeland Seminars, Land for Wildlife Central Australia and the National Trust. He competes in squash and Olympic-style pistol shooting.

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  • Sarah Smith MEIANZ

    Sarah Smith MEIANZ

    Sarah Smith MEIANZ Membership Coordinator

    Sarah is an ecologist with more than 10 years’ experience working in environmental consulting in the Northern Territory. Her experience includes environmental approvals, environmental and biodiversity management planning and implementation, mine closure, rehabilitation and monitoring. Sarah has a PhD in zoology and eight years’ post-doctoral research experience resulting in more than 25 scientific publications.

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  • Kylie Welch MEIANZ

    Kylie Welch MEIANZ

    Kylie Welch MEIANZ DCCEEW Working Group

    Kylie is an environmental professional with 25 years’ experience working in environmental planning, environmental impact assessment and approvals. She currently works at renewable energy developer SunCable where she is the environment lead for the Australia-Asia PowerLink Project, solar and wind generation sites and long-distance transmission infrastructure. Kylie has experience developing and delivering complex approval and permitting strategies for major projects across a range of sectors including energy, transport, agriculture, mining and Defence. Her skills include managing multi-disciplinary project teams, corporate environmental policy and planning, environmental impact assessment and approvals, compliance, and engaging and communicating effectively with a diverse range of stakeholders on environmental issues. Through her work in the environment sector and now in renewable energy development, Kylie hopes to make a valuable contribution to sustainable development in the Northern Territory.

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  • Amaka Nwobodo

    Amaka Nwobodo Committee Member
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  • Darren Skuse MEIANZ

    Darren Skuse MEIANZ Committee Member
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  • Beth Salt MEIANZ

    Beth Salt MEIANZ

    Beth Salt MEIANZ Committee Member

    Beth is a creative and innovative Project Manager with extensive experience in water and environmental sustainability and management projects; establishing partnerships, community consultation; reporting and relationship management. Beth’s diverse skills in environmental management and program management make her a highly successful environmental lead on a wide variety of project.

    Previously located in NSW, Beth has relocated to the NT to work on community focused and infrastructure enabling projects.

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Northern Territory

Contact Us

  • Postal Address
    PO Box 4832
    Darwin NT 0801

  • President
    Jeff Richardson, MEIANZ

  • Contact
    +61 409 881 874

Email NT