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Claudia Baldwin has been the book review of AJEM, the Institute’s journal, since 2006 and has indicated that it is time to pass on the job to someone new. Simply, the job includes identifying books that would be of interest to our readership, contacting the publisher for a free copy, finding a reviewer, sending the book to the reviewer, reviewing and advising the review author of any changes, and recommending it for publication.
AJEM aims for two to three each issue; this varies according to the amount of space available in each issue. So the task is not onerous, but does require an understanding of AJEM’s purpose, some editing and project management skills, and ability to identify reviewers. The reviewers keep the book, an attraction to many. The book review editor is named as one of the editorial team.
Please indicate your interest in being book review editor by email to: helen.ross@uq.edu.au.
The editors thank Claudia for her outstanding contribution in this role, for fifteen years.
We acknowledge and value the rights and interests of Indigenous Peoples in the protection and management of environmental values through their involvement in decisions and processes, and the application of traditional Indigenous knowledge.