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Emma McIntosh, MEIANZ
'Never say no to networking' as the saying goes and it‘s now more important than ever. Walking into a room full of strangers can be daunting, but we recently discovered that a bit of enviro bingo, some food and drinks and a room full of smiling enviros can fix that!
On 15 May, the Students and Early Careers Group in SEQ hosted a Speed Networking function, to bring together environmental professionals from all areas, and to introduce new faces to the EIANZ.
Over 50 people attended the event, jumping right into the 'enviro bingo‘ (possibly the greatest ice breaker ever invented!) and rapid fire 5 min networking rotations. The event attracted a wide range of environmental professionals, from students keen to find out
about life after graduation‘, early career professionals keen to build their networks and experienced practitioners who offered advice as valued mentors.
Many attendees expressed interest in more informal networking opportunities through the EIANZ and were keen to meet like minded professionals in the environmental field. The SEQ Students and Early Careers Group holds monthly drinks sessions, open to anyone interested in joining in.
Support from AMEC, Andrew Isles Natural History Books and Emily Bishop Graphic Design was very much appreciated and helped ensure the night was a huge success!
We acknowledge and value the rights and interests of Indigenous Peoples in the protection and management of environmental values through their involvement in decisions and processes, and the application of traditional Indigenous knowledge.